Thursday, January 17, 2013

Deadly Bloggers: A 52 Week Blogging Challenge

Check out this great initiative over at Deadly Bloggers. I am getting on the band wagon a little late but i can catch up pretty quickly. Bring on a Deadly 2013

Cheers Don

Deadly Bloggers: A 52 Week Blogging Challenge: I don't know about you, but I definitely wished I blogged more. I write plenty of posts in my head when I am inspired, but sadly they don't ...

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!

    It's not to late to join in the Deadly Bloggers challenge. I know what you mean though, I'm the worst for writing posts in my head instead of via the keyboard.

    Hope you can join in. There are a couple of folks who are really getting into the swing of it.
